TESTIMONIES from Simple Church Overland Park

“Before starting Bible study with Pastor Mary, I believed science was more accurate than the Bible. I had been to church and done teen Bible studies in the past but never felt that I understood what I was reading. After one Bible study with Mary, I knew more about myself and God than I ever had before. I now find myself seeking God’s direction in my everyday life, and when faced with difficult situations, I look towards Him. I still have a long ways to go, but Simple Church of Overland Park is becoming a big part of my life.” ~Megan

“I have been a Christian most of my life, but just recently started reading the Bible. I attend a Bible study group headed by Mary and it has made such an impact on my life. I actually have such a strong motivation to read the Bible more than ever before. Mary has been such a blessing to me and I am so thankful to God for putting her in my life.” ~Susan (Susan is now leading a Bible study with two of her friends at her home)

“I believe (pastoral) counseling with Mary helps. Our family is able to communicate better and share feelings now.” ~Elizabeth

“I haven’t always believed everything the Bible says. I still struggle, but I enjoy Bible study with Mary because she is very understanding and approachable when I have questions or doubts. I find it comforting how she meets my uncertainty with absolute certainty and faith.  She knows God well, and I feel like I am getting to know Him better with Mary’s help.” ~Evan

“5 years ago, I was an atheist. I thought science would eventually give us all the answers given enough time, and I didn’t think I needed to believe in God to be a good person and be happy, but after a while I couldn’t keep out the nihilistic thoughts. A crippling despair was overshadowing me, and my soul groaned to God, begging him, if he were real to reveal himself to me because I couldn’t go on. It was around that time that I met Pastor Mary, who heard God’s call to come to Homer’s coffee shop and talk to curious people about Jesus Christ. With her help I began to learn in fellowship about the reality of who God is. I learned that my love of science and learning was actually a yearning for the one eternal fountainhead of truth. Though my initial prayers were rude and unbelieving, even these were answered, because the Holy Spirit uses those around us who are rooted in faith like Pastor Mary, in order to reveal to us the abounding love of Jesus Christ.” ~ Bev

“I grew up going to church regularly and yet I always felt like something was missing. Simple Church Bible Study impacted my life by teaching me what was most important, having a relationship with Jesus. Something years of church going didn’t. A relationship with Jesus has given my soul so much on so many levels; peacefulness, a new sense of love and acceptance from my Heavenly Father, and calmness to name just a few. I’ve learned so much about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and myself over the past 5 years from attending Bible Study. It truly is therapy for the soul and I’ve learned so much from reading the Bible, and other resources covered by our group.  It is something I carry with me daily and use to be a better person,  to trust in the Lord, and be the person God wants me to be.”  ~ Chris

“I always believed in God but I never knew anything about him nor did I know where to begin. When I started reading the bible with Mary I immediately formed a bond with God that changed my life. I was saved. Something I didn’t know anything about my entire life and I never thought I could be. Why me? I lived a selfish life that wasn’t getting me anywhere. As a new mom and wife I knew I wanted my life to have purpose and meaning and be full of love. I learned through the bible that God loves me and he loves you. I started feeling the Holy Spirit in me. I started living to please God. I started learning about the power for prayer.  My relationship with my husband is blossoming and I am a better mom because of it. I constantly refer to the “old me” and think wow I lived a life full of sin and God still chose me. My heart is changing everyday as I continue my journey in faith and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” ~ Emily  

“I tried to do a good job raising my children…if you’re looking at making sure they get their homework done, attend soccer practice, dance, birthday parties, etc. I did do a good job with all these things. I coached the soccer teams, helped with Girl Scout meetings, and led book club meetings. They both graduated high school and college. They are both successful adults. But I didn’t do a good job ensuring they knew God. I know that now. Working on it. Pastor Mary is helping us. We’re doing a biweekly Bible study in my home. She’s really helping my girls, niece and cousin understand God’s Word…I’m also learning. Thank you Pastor Mary.” ~ Susan

“Home group is my idea of perfect church. Our home group feels like HOME. All of the hard parts of going to a public church are stripped away making it easier to get absorbed into bible study. Not to mention, with our group of ladies, it’s…LADIES NIGHT… at Pastor Mary’s full of GREAT questions, LOTS of laughter and JESUS!”  ~ Rachel

“…I am thanking God for Pastor Mary and praying every night! I truly believe that it was meant to be, it was time for me to start a new journey, I thank him for her because… she is the one who brought us together, I thank him for giving me such a great friend, a wonderful teacher of his word and for being patient with me and my relationship with him. I’ve been active in her bible study group for just over a year now, and (even though I have so much more to learn), I’ve learned more than I ever even would have imagined! And it’s not just knowledge that I have gained from this experience, spiritually and emotionally, I’ve gained and I am very proud to say so. I can feel it in my heart and soul and I acknowledge it in my head that…this is what was meant for me, at this time in my life… to have a deeper relationship with God and to understand his word and share it with others.  It was scary for me at first, not knowing much and asking what I thought were stupid questions, but the fellowship was there and that made it easy for me.  So, thank you God for being you and bringing us together. And thank you Pastor Mary for your devotion, the love you have for God and the fellowship our Bible study gives us.” ~ Ellie

During my childhood and beyond, I was never introduced to religion, God or anything spiritual.  As an adult I began to go to church with friends, but never really understood what having faith and a true relationship with God meant… until I began my cherished bible study group with Pastor Mary Brown. She has not only taught me scripture; she has truly been my disciple to build a deep relationship with God that has helped me through much crisis in my life, and she has helped me know how to be a true Christian to love others and live a happy life. All of our group time together has helped us all have a true community of faith and learn deeper meaning of the scripture and God’s intent for us.  This has truly giving meaning to my life.” ~ Deb

“…Pastor Mary provides an understanding path for learning the Bible. Starting with Genesis, she guides us through Scriptures with explanations of meaningful Biblical events. Along with new learning, the class has brought past meanings and interpretation to new revelations in early Bible Chapter studies. All so enlightening to me! Pastor Mary Brown’s knowledge of the Bible shows her depth of teaching as any level! This class at my clubhouse provides God’s beauty of a wonderful day!” ~ Jill


Our desire at Simple Church Overland Park is to create community and engage those curious about the Bible. We want to create a simple model of being the Church where people live, work and play!

“We want to lower the bar of how church is done and raise the bar of what it means to be a disciple.” ~ Neil Cole


I have lived in Overland Park since 1967 and just recently learned that it was a camping site of many pioneers and missionaries of the 1800’s heading West. It was a crossroads for the Oregon, Santa Fe and California Trails and was a prime location to camp because of its natural spring waters. It was a watering hole for the early pioneers and now we are pioneering a new way of Church in the Mid-West of America.


When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)

The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)

10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

11 “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12 Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”

13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”     John 4: 7-15